Saturday, January 26, 2013

Sunday Social

What is your ideal way to relax:
Glass of wine, in my jammie's, clean house, yummy candle burning, watching some kind of chick flick

Who do you consider your biggest role model:
My grandma. She is a spitfire for sure... she has traditional values but has always encouraged me to be strong and independent. She taught me what is important in all loving relationships. She helped craft my sense of humor. She holds our family together. She is THE best.

What does your life look like in 3 years?
Troy, me and baby make 3. If we get pregnant sooner maybe we would even be working on #4! Working on my teaching and hopefully rolling out my new teacher training vision!

If you could go back and change one decision what would it be?
I don't regret anything that I have done or chose that I have made. I've learned great lessons and found better opportunities for myself.

What is your biggest accomplishment in life thus far?
My career. I'm in education and therefore value it. I've been able to of a lot of things that have contributed to my own education and that of my students, both little and big.

Where is your favorite place to be:
I really enjoy our visits to Sedona. It is a magical place with lots of hiking trails, unique shops and wine!

Monday, January 21, 2013

A-Z about ME!

I saw this in one of those emails that gets sent around and I thought it would be fun to post on this blog! I'd love to get some more followers and figured if you knew a bit more about me, maybe you would follow!!

A. Age: 30+1 wonderful years

B. Bed size: King, which is a recent upgrade from our Queen. Let me tell you our King bed has been the best investment for our long bodies! I'm not sure how we managed before...

C. Chore you hate: I am one of those weirdos who really enjoys cleaning. Sometimes getting started can be challenging, but once I've got some good music on I get really lost in cleaning. The only thing I don't care for is doing the floors... vacuuming and mopping. Usually by time I've gotten to the floors I'm over cleaning, and wish they would just clean themselves.

D. Dogs: None, yet. I hope. My Grammy jus got the most adorable fluffy Maltese puppy and I'm hoping that little fur ball will help convince Troy to let us get a fur baby.

E. Essential start to your day: Hitting snooze about a gazillion times, showering then coffee from Circle K (Jamaican Me Crazy) or Starbucks (Sugar Free Vanilla latte)

F. Favorite color: Pink and red

G. Gold or Silver: Silver, silver, silver

H. Height: 6'0... understand why the King bed has made such an impression?

I. Instruments you play: uhhhm... recorder, chimes. Not musically inclined. Also my singing voice is pretty horrific, or so I hear from others. Don't worry... it doesn't keep me from singing!

J. Job Title: Teacher in Residence at the University of Arizona. I teach and supervise Early Childhood and Elementary pre-service teachers.

K. Kids: None yet... hopefully that will change soon!

L. Live: Tucson, Az and I love my town!!!

M. Married: yes to Troy boy or T-Roy

N. Nicknames: I don't have any real nicknames that have stuck... Some short term nicknames have been panda, Renee... nothing special, really

O. Overnight hospital stays: None thank goodness!

P. Pet peeve: Poor table manners, inconsiderate people and drivers.

Q. Quote:
People are just about as happy as they allow themselves to be. ~Abraham Lincoln

It is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves. ~Shakespeare

Be the change you wish to see in the world. ~Ghandi

R. Righty or Lefty: Righty

S. Siblings: 2 brothers- an older, Jon and a younger brother, Josh. Both handsome and available-ish

T. Time you wake up: It depends on what my days look like, but typically I wake up at 6:15 (boo)

U. University attended: I'm a proud alumni of The University of Arizona... Go Wildcats!

V. Vegetables you dislike: I love all vegetables.

W. What makes you run late: Not knowing what I want to wear for the morning, trying to do too much before I leave for the day...

X. X-rays you've had: I was in an ATV accident and was hurt pretty badly so I had x-rays of my legs and arms.

Y. Yummy food: Italian food, caldo de queso (yummy Mexican potato soup)

Z. Zoo animal favorite: Giraffes!!! I was so much taller when I was younger, so everyone called me giraffe. Who knows how that got started, but I figured I could either love it or hate it. I decided to embrace it, and therefore the giraffe has become my favorite zoo animal. !

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Today was the suckiest day I've had in awhile. It's actually a little comical now that I'm hiding away from the world (and my email) under 2 blankets. 

My morning begins around midnight, when I attempted to fall asleep. Typically I like to be in bed around 11pm but I was baking cinnamon coffee cake and was waiting on it to finish baking.

Anyways flash forward to 2:30am when I am still not sleeping and now panicking about not getting enough sleep, which just makes trying to fall asleep even harder.

I wake my husband up to tell him that I can't sleep. He grunts, falls back to sleep and I'm annoyed that he will not stay awake, tortured with me.

5:30 am rolls around. Of course I wake up 30 minutes before the alarm.

I get dressed in the closet so as to not disturb my husbands continued slumber. Unknowingly I put my underwear on inside out. I will figure this one out in the bathroom on a break during my class session, so yah... they stayed inside out. All. Day.

I'm walking into the school carrying le cinnamon crumb cake along with 3 bags full of crap. I completely eat shat. Like bags flip over my head and attempt to knock me unconscious as I slam knees and elbow to the ground. I saved the coffee cake, which is why I think I didn't completely lose my ish today.

The principal gave me stanky eye and snarling smile every time I saw her today. That wasn't fun.

All of the materials that I needed this afternoon were permanently borrowed by others. 

College attitudes. Too much, too much for me to handle. Definitely not today.

Cinnamon coffee cake was demolished, but not a single thank you was muttered.

That there friends was ma day! Tomorrow has GOT to be better, right? Let's hope! 

What I'm Loving Wednesday

This week I am loving...

*Singing show tunes
I am pretty sure that the neighborhood pups are howling at me sometimes. So what pups. I love me some show tunes. Deal with it. My faves are from this slice of heaven...

*Disney Dreaming
We are leaving in less than a week. Yahoo. I find myself dreaming of Mickey when I am supposed to be paying attention in a meeting.

You don't need to work! Come play with me!

I made a promise to myself to cook more at home and it has helped me remember how much I *LOVE* to cook. Taking the time to plan and shop on Sunday has definitely helped me maintain this goal.

*Saturday Night
Its ladies night this Saturday... boot scootin' style! I am a sucker for a theme... so we are doing cowgirls out on the town. Steakhouse for dinner and then some country line dancing afterwards. I am looking forward to it for sure.
I wish I had this outfit to wear Saturday.

I always love my Katie. She has a BIG day at the end of the week... just sending her a little love and a lot of prayers! Proud of you friend!

*Our bed
It has been crazy cold in Arizona these days. It seems the only place I can get really warm is tucked away in bed. Thank you bed for being toasty.

I've just been crushing hard on him this week... he is pretty amaze-balls!
Sorry ladies. This hunk is mine!

Happy Wednesday friends!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Work Sucks...

Work sucks the fun out of me.

I love what I do. I really, really do. I re-read that and it seems like I am trying to convince myself you that I really mean that. But really, I love what I do. There are some days, however, when I would like to do something other than emailing professors, on the verge students and cooperating teachers. Something besides creating 3 hour long presentations that are 'fun' and 'engaging' to college aged students. Do you know how hard it is to engage 20 something year old's in literacy development?? Something besides research. Anything besides that actually. Research while enriching, can really disturb my fun.

Today is one of those days when I wanted to do something different. 
I wanted to...

Sleep in until 8am. Fancy, I know.

Go on a 3 mile run and enjoy myself. Rather than the 2 miler I ran where I am pretty sure I gave myself whip-lash checking my watch every 3 minutes.

Visit Target and walk every. single. aisle. (my kind of heaven)

Take a long shower. Take my time shaving. Exfoliate even!

Read a book for fun while getting a mani/pedi. Not a technical book and certainly NOT a research journal.

Watch a chick flick, with a glass of wine, in the middle of the day. No husband around to make fun of the obvious plot.

Take a nap. I do not honestly remember the last time I did that.

Go shopping. Magically everything fits like a comfortable glove.

Go out to eat, on a weeknight, with my boo (his idea!). Not rush home to finish work before the clock strikes 10pm.

Sleep through the night without waking up to write something down on the To-Do list next to my bed.

Doesn't that sound nice??
A girl can dream.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Menu Monday

Here's what's for dinner this week...

Monday- dinner at the in-laws

Tuesday- turkey chili

Wednesday- chicken cordon bleu, yellow squash & green beans

Thursday- beef and broccoli with brown rice

Friday- skinnytaste stuffed peppers

Saturday- girls night out... should be an interesting post on this!

Sunday- family dinner at Mom's

I mentioned in an earlier post my workout goals... 3 runs and 2 power yoga classes a week. Yah, about that. I made it to my 2 yoga classes but have not met my running goals. It's been freezing this week, I've been working hard to get my classes in order and my knee hurts. I would say those are some pretty good excuses. I still feel a bit cruddy about it. This week I hope to accomplish the following...

Tuesday- running and yoga
Thursday- running
Friday- yoga
Saturday- running
Sunday- yoga

I'll let you know how I do next week... I acknowledge you probably don't care much, but I'll let you know anyways!

Here's to a good week!
I am getting through this crazy one knowing that the week after ill be in Disney! With Minnie Mouse ears on.

Sunday Social again! I'm on a roll!

1. What is the name of your blog? How long have you been blogging? 
My blog is called Babbling with the Bogles, although it was originally called Confession of a 1st Grade Teacher. I changed the blog name because I ended up blogging about a whole bunch of random stuff rather than my work. Plus I do not teach 1st graders anymore- I teach college students. *Which is really not that big of a leap sometimes*

2. Why do you blog? 
I blog for fun! I love reading blogs and I have a lot to say. Blogging lets me get it all out. 

3. What is the first blog you ever followed? 
I first followed Taylor at The Undomestic Mama, but she doesn't blog anymore (sad). She did open my eyes to a lot of other fabulous bloggers that I still enjoy.

4. What is your favorite post you wrote in 2012? 
I didn't write much in 2012, but from what I did write Our Love Story would be my favorite. It's cute.

5. What are your blogging goals for 2013? 
To blog... and not to let life prevent me from doing the things I enjoy.

6. Top 3 favorite blogs to follow? 
Tara @Jimmy Choos and Tennis Shoes, Michelle @You're My Favorite Today, Rachel @Suburban Strut & Football and Crowns, Life with the Browns and because I couldn't choose just 3... Kelly @Keeping Up with Kelly & Co.

I look forward to all of these ladies blog posts because they keep it real, and they are hilarious! If you haven't checked them out you must! Love. Them.

Enjoy the last few minutes of the precious weekend!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday Faves

Friday, Friday, Friday is my favorite day! Duh... isn't it everyone's?

Here are some of the things I am love, love, loving this Friday!!

* Power Yoga @ Session Yoga
This yoga kicks your butt and helps you work towards clarity of mind. This is vinyasa style yoga done in a warmed room. You are sweating and physically flowing while breathing and setting your intention for your practice, your day, your life. Love. I wish I could go everyday, but I can't (geesh... work!) so I'd like to bottle the feelings from each session. I'm working on it.

* Trader Joe's
I love this joint. It's homey and cramped and everyone is friendly and eclectically cool. I feel cool there, too. I've also found 2 new loves at TJ's this week, which is why I'm loving them!

Healthy 8 Veggies
I realize this makes me look lazy, like 'cut your own darn veggies!' I'm not lazy, all the time. Troy boy really only likes lettuce, broccoli and green beans and he really prefers the green gray beans from the can (barf). Needless to say, if I buy a ton of veggies that are not lettuce, broccoli or green beans they go to waste. It breaks my heart to throw food away even when it's bad, so for 2 years I've been eating just lettuce salads. Not anymore! Healthy 8 veggies make my salads jazzy again!

Coconut Body Butter

So softening, so yummy smelling, so cheap! A little goes a looooong way and leaves your skin silky smooth. Added bonus, if you close your eyes you can imagine you are in Hawaii with coconut oil all over your super svelte self!

* New Years with the Bernie's 
We are celebrating the new year again Saturday night! Yummy menu, good friends, champagne! This is a no-brainier, friends!

* Sibling dinners
Since the littlest has moved back home he has been a bi-weekly guest at the dinner table. I like cooking for him, but mostly I love listening to Troy boy and Oshie become better friends. One thing I don't care for so much is the boys taking over the TV. The nerve!

* My cozy white blankie
My in-laws let me steal have this blankie. It has been a staple this week! The nights have been super cold here in AZ and I have been super cozy snuggled under this blankie. 

* Disneyland
We are leaving for Disney in 11 days and I am so pumped! This will be our 2nd family vacation with Troy's side of the family. We are celebrating our niece Allison's 3rd birthday! It will be a memorable trip for all of us. I can't even remember the last time I was at Disneyland....

That is all I'm loving this Friday, well at least that is all I can remember loving this Friday! 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

So What Wednesday?

Happy hump day friends!

Soooo what... 

... If I am passing off cinnamon coffee cake mix as the homemade real deal. They are starving college students and will love it anyways.

... If I should be finishing my syllabi, calendars and assignment requirements for the semester, buuuut I'm not.

... If I am casually shopping online, 2 weeks after Christmas. 

... If I am digging Circle K coffee this week. I've been so incredibly busy and haven't had time to wait in line for my bucks! Boo.

... If I get to play with clay tomorrow! Did you ever make pinch pots? Yep! Be jealous.

... If I paid way too much on tall pajama pants. My legs are too long and my ankles need shelter.

... If I ate 3 teeny tiny chippers from Paradise Cafe today... I had a  12 hour workday. I earned them. Technically I earned about 20 but I restrained myself. 

... If I drink a glass of wine while I cook. Is there any other way to cook?

Have a lovely day, lovely ladies!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Menu Monday

Good morning all! It is officially the start of the new semester, so I am kicking it into turbo gear. This week will be a busy one, however I don't actually start teaching my courses until next week. Thank baby Jesus for that extra bit of time for me to brush up my syllabi, calendar and vision for the courses. 

This week is also the start of a new weekly post- Menu Monday. Some of my favorite blogs post their weekly menu plans and I love to look at them for dinner inspiration! I am hoping to be a bit of inspiration for someone out there, but I am also sharing these menus to help hold myself accountable for my 'cook at least 4 times a week goal! 

So here goes... 
Monday- Parmesan chicken and zucchini, salad 
Tuesday- Red Curry Chicken with Kale
Wednesday- Happy hour with Jaci 
Thursday- birthday dinner with friends!
Friday- Crockpot cheesy beer chicken lettuce wraps 
Saturday- New Years with the Bernies!!! 
Sunday- dinner with the family (this is a weekly tradition)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

My 1st Sunday Social!

1. Do you plan to change any of your eating habits in the new year? I just need to be more consistent with my eating. I plan on following Weight Watchers but taking it easy with the carbs!
2. Any workout tips to get us back in shape after the Holidays? Just find something you love... if you feel obligated to work out then the benefits become lost. My opinion, anyways!
3. Favorite thing you did over the Holidays? Spending time with family, friends and the hubs... without the responsibilities of work looming over my melon.
4. What is something you hope that you accomplish in 2013 that you did not in 2012? Hmmm... when I was at yoga the other day we set our intentions for the class and the new year. All session long I was focusing on being present, being motivated and being consistent. I feel like these intentions could apply to all areas of my life... work, friendships, marriage, spirituality. Soooo... I think that's what I hope to accomplish in the new year... being present, being motivated and being consistent.
5. Name 3 things happening this year you are excited about and why: 
*Going to Atlanta and presenting my research project
*Getting back into the elementary classroom and contribute more to my districts incoming teachers.
*Disneyland, San Diego and hopefully more getaways,
Ohhhhh... and hopefully we will add a lil' sugar to our family!!!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

(Very late) Last Day Lists

One of my favorite bloggers Michelle over at You're my favorite today always has some sweet list posts. I always enjoy reading her lists and figured I would link up today. I would much rather do that than take down the tree, clean the house and work!

5 2 best movies of 2012
Ok here is where I get pretty embarrassed... I actually haven't seen that many movies this year! I was just telling my sister in law that my Troy boy and I only actually saw 2 movies in the theater this year and that was in the past month. Work sucks the fun out of my life, plus I cannot watch a movie after a certain time of day or I fall asleep. Anyways, of the movies that I have seen (theater and DVD) these have been my favorites- don't judge.
Les Miserable
Ahhhhhmazing. I was crying, singing and sitting breathlessly on the edge of my seat the entire time! I like to forget that Russel Crowe was a part of this flick, because I was not impressed.

This is 40
We laughed so hard during this, and then we also were a bit freaked out. Being DINC's this may have pushed our kid discussion back a month or two.

5 best songs groups of 2012

I don't fall in love with songs, I fall in love with groups and albums. Sure there are a few songs here and there that I call 1 hit wonders, meaning I truly only like one of their songs, but usually those don't get the honor of being on my repeat list. I thought it was more appropriate to list my favorite groups/ artists of 2012. Oh and not all of these were officially released in 2012, but I discovered them in 2012, so I am counting them!
The Lumineers
Florence and The Machine, Ceremonials
Foster the People, Torches
Luke Bryan, Tailgates and Tanlines
Phillip Phillips, World From the Side of the Moon

5 most fascinating people of 2012
Kim Kardashian
Since when did getting married, filing for divorce and getting impregnated by someone else, while still married, in less than a year become cool? It perplexes me so much that I write run-on sentences and don't care.

Jessica Simpson
I actually like Jessica Simpson. She has always struck me as a 'real' person with fancy things, of course. People were all up on her buns when she got pregnant and *gah* gained weight! They were all up on her buns again when she *shocker* didn't drop the weight within 3 weeks. I was proud of every article I read and interview I saw in which she said she wanted to lose the weight healthfully because she needed to be a role model for her daughter. Sure her daughter didn't know which end was up regarding weight loss, but Jess (cause we are buddies, ya know?) became a role model not only for her daughter but for women, as well. 

Kristina Braverman
I know she is not a real person, but Monica Potter does such a fantastic role at portraying the challenges of having a child with Autism and now a woman with breast cancer. Sheesh... every week she makes me laugh and cry and hold my breath. She may be fictional, but I know she is representative of the integrity of women and THAT is fascinating!

5 memories you will remember from 2012
*Our Besties the Bernie's getting married!
*My summer being a nanny for my little love Parker! We had so much fun together. It made me realize that I have some good maternal instincts and that naps are a nanny's best friend!
*Pushing myself to do things I never thought I would/could- participating in a rock climbing clinic, getting into power yoga and loving it, running without dying
*Completing a 5K and half marathon without really dying
*Our White Mountain trip

5 things you want to do in 2013
*Make a baby
*Focus on blogging more- it helps me de-stress
*Become a more healthful person, which will be good for the baby I plan to make
*Take more trips... already have 2 planned- Disneyland (fun) and Atlanta (some work)
*Be a better wife, friend and family member

Thursday, January 3, 2013

4th Annual Frienstivus

Every year the Bernies and the Bogles Katie and I host a holiday extravaganza for our fr-amily. With Matt and Katie's wedding being in November, friendstivus almost didn't happen this year. I am so happy that we were able to get into the spirit in enough time to make it work! Our theme this year was 'Candy Cane Glam'.We always have a new, unique theme (no repeats!) and invite everyone to go as crazy with that theme as they want. Aaron always goes the craziest and we LOVE it! We get smarter and smarter every year that we plan this shin-dig. After 3 years of busting our buns making delicious meals, we realized that most everyone prefers to sop up the champagne, wine and beer with appetizers. So appetizers it was.

My favorite ladies... EVER!

The Bernie's

We have about a million of these pictures!

Aaron and Tinsley caught shaking the presents under the tree!

A little awkward fr-amily photos...

It looks like I face planted, but I didn't

Gift exchange goodies!

Alison and Paul... love everything about this picture

My little Julianna bug and her tostada maker!

And perhaps the best present of all... the fruit rooster. We were calling it something else all night, but did not want to attract that kind of traffic to my little spot on the interwebs!

Already looking forward to next years! I may or may not already have some theme options picked out!

Holiday Havoc

Both T-Roy and I adore our families and the traditions they have established, especially around the holidays. When we celebrated our first holiday season together, we make a promise to take part in any and all celebrations we could. Basically we made a promise to always have a full and fun holiday season. Yes, we spend a lot on gas throughout November and December. Yes, every weekend is packed in those months, as well. We just love the hustle and bustle and the time spent with our families and friends. And the wine. It requires a lot of wine to forget how tired you are from driving and all the things you have to do to prepare for the next celebration! Anywho... we closed out our holiday season with Christmas. Here is how we celebrated Christmas this year! We spent Christmas Eve with my extended family and Troy's parents! As good Italian-Catholics we celebrate the 'Feast of the 7 Fishes'. I am terribly allergic to shellfish, so basically I eat salad and rice, but I wouldn't have it any other way! Afterwards we went to midnight mass where I make it my personal goal to make sure my grammy stays awake. This year to liven things up a bit, my littlest, Josh, consumed a large amount of wine, so I needed to make sure he stayed awake, too! That was interesting. We slept over at my parents house, exchanged presents and had breakfast together, too!

An impossible feat to get a picture of all of us looking at the camera and behaving!

Getting artsy with my littlest (he's single!!!)

Jon and Angela

We like to keep things silly around here!

They just get me...

We spent Christmas day with Troy's family

Opened presents with this silly sugar plum!

and spent a lot of time with this little gingerbread boy!

Roomie Reunion to celebrate the New Year! Our dearest Katie had to fly to Milwaukee to visit with her grandma who fell ill right before New Years. Thankfully grandma is recovering nicely and we will officially be ringing in the new year Boglestein style in a few weeks!(Boglestein- combination of Bernie and Bogle, get it? Cute...I know!)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

So What?

I'm jumping on the bandwagon and joking the So What Wednesday trend. There are 2 main reasons for this- to help me meet my goal of blogging more and because all my favorite bloggers do this and I want to be juuuust like them!

So here goes...
So what...
If I'm not ready to get out of bed today. Yep, still in bed even though I have a meeting I need to be at in an hour. Hope I make it!

So what...
If I don't want Christmas to be over. Mostly because I don't want to have to deal with taking our decorations down, partly because its my favorite time of year!

So what...
If I am not looking forward to the new semester. I absolutely love what I do but because I love what I do I tend to get more of 'it' to do. This semester is going to be crazy. My responsibilities put me at 125% working capacity... that's not even possible, but I'm there. Blehhhhh...

So what...
If I review the itinerary for our Disneyland trip (in 3 weeks) everyday! A girl has to have something to focus on to take her mind off of the fact that she is working at 125% capacity starting Monday!

So what...
If I haven't finished my research that I am presenting in Atlanta in a month and a half. I will get it done... soonish.

So what...
If I don't care that Kim and Kanye are having an illegitimate love child. That pot baby's mom always has a full face of plaster on and his dad never smiles. I cannot imagine that kids life to be very authentic and fun. I hope I'm wrong about that one!

Have a great Wednesday!


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