All About ME!

This was ME, with a nose bleed, when I first updated this blog. Circa 2013, I think. I never had a real direction for my blog at that time, and I enjoyed that aspect. 
Life was busy then, not busier than now, just busy in a different way. 

I was a full time professor at my alma mater. I loved it. 
I was a new-ish wife to my husband Troy. Something I also loved and still love being.

I was a full-time friend to these lovely ladies. 
 Sarah... who is also my sister-in-law!

I was an auntie, a sister, a daughter, a granddaughter. Roles that fill up a lot of our time. And I wouldn't want it any other way!

I was an, not that kind of entertainer. 
I loved planning and getting people together to celebrate.

 Since these pictures have been taken, 2 1/2 years ago, so much has changed. I am blessed to be able to say that most have been incredible changes.

I am still a wife to Troy.

BUT we have expanded our family. We had beautiful Emma Dorothy on December 24, 2013. 
 This is most definitely not my most attractive picture but I love it. 
I was so happy and exhausted all at once... and I have been that way ever since!
 Troy looking fab, as usual. 

We will have another little love arriving this December. Sometime between December 25th and 30th, to be exact. I know what you are thinking and YES, we are adventurous people, Troy and I.

I am still an educator, but in a different way. I stay home with Emma. I still work at my alma mater, but as an adjunct professor. I have a class that I created the curriculum for, but due to budget cuts (boo) am not teaching this semester. 

I am still a friend, though admittedly not as hands-on as I always intend to be.
 My friends and sisters-in-law, Sarah, Angela and hopefully soon, Amy! 
And my brother Jon, sneaking in. It was his wedding day (to Angela)- he's allowed.
 Sweet Sarah. Don't know what I would do without you. Seriously.
Katie on her birthday. Kendra and Amy are in there, too. 
Along with my workout buddy/ personal trainer, Jenn!

I am still an auntie, a sister, a daughter and a granddaughter. 
Andrew and Allison, making an Emma sandwich. 
These three are so fun together!

I did lose my grandmother in November 2013, a month before Emma was born. Emma's middle name Dorothy, is after my grandmother.

In the past year and a half, we have been busy. Our type of busy isn't exactly the same as it once was, and I have had to adjust to that. 

Whereas I never truly had a purpose for this blog before, I feel a strong purpose now. I can't imagine I am the only person experiencing these sorts of life changes. Humor me, if I am. I want to share the way we are adjusting to our ever changing life. The way we get through, and get through happily. 


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