Monday, July 13, 2015

Monday Meal Plans #3

It has been a slow, slow moving Monday for me! We had such a great weekend. I am always incredibly thankful for such weekends, but they do make Mondays hard to swallow. Usually I have my meal plan finished and my shopping list created by Sunday. That did not happen this week. Needless to say, there was a bit of scrambling to plan and shop this morning. Do not worry, though, we WILL eat this week!

Here are my last minute carefully thought out meals for the week:

Monday- Black Bean Burritos... fancy, no?

Tuesday- Broccoli, White Bean Mac & Cheese

Wednesday- Tortellini Soup

Thursday- Troy

Friday- Crockpot Beef & Broccoli

Saturday- Burgers, Sweet Corn and salad
We are taking Emma to a local farm for a peach and sweet corn festival. I may scrap the burgers and gorge myself with sweet, fresh, local peaches all night! Does anything else sound better than that?

Sunday- family dinner

I also am whipping up some simple, whole wheat mini blueberry muffins for breakfast options this week. I am always trying to come up with some different things to offer Emma. Troy gets up with her around 6:30am and feeds her breakfast #1. Yes, you read that correctly... Emma eats multiple breakfasts. Breakfast #1 is usually small, so I thought mini blueberry muffins would be perfect and easy!

I haven't yet decided which recipe I will share with you all this week... maybe the mac & cheese? Tortellini soup? Blueberry muffins?

Leave a comment if you have a preference!

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