Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Bumpdate- Week 12

June 12- 18th

So what has been going on this week?
Just working, enjoying the summer and cooking! Having some time to relax after a busy school year is absolutely necessary for a teachers sanity! I have been enjoying working very part-time at the LOFT, planning and cooking delicious meals, catching up with friends, getting back into working out AND organizing my summer to do list! I am planning on starting to check things off that list soon. 

We also finally announced our baby to the world... of course we did the whole facebook thing, but we also mailed announcements to our family and dearest friends. We got them through Tiny Prints (love!) Here is a picture from our announcement 'photo shoot'...which we did ourselves :) That was an experience!

Baby Bogle WILL be an Arizona Wildcat!
How far along?
I am 12 weeks along- my 'change over' date (or whatever it is) is on Wednesdays. I will post bumpdates that cover the previous week

Maternity Clothes?
Not yet, although I have been collecting some here and there. LOFT has a maternity section online that I have been using my discount to take advantage of. I am a major planner, so I have been gathering pieces here and there to have some options when the time is right to wear them!

Stretch Marks?
None! I have been using Bio Oil and L'Occitane Almond oil after showering to prevent any from popping up. I have heard both are really effective, so I combine them. The almond oil smells sooooo yummy too!

None yet!

Food cravings?
Hmmm... I haven't had any specific cravings or food aversions. Mostly things that I wasn't interested in before sound good to me! I have never really cared for condiments, especially ketchup!  Lately I have been crazy for mustard and ketchup and I am not using it sparingly. Troy was laughing at me yesterday as I was eating fish sticks (another thing I have never been interested in before) and just piling the ketchup on. He mentioned he has never seen me use or eat ketchup in our entire time together!

Nausea, vomiting, or sickness?
I had some queasiness in week 7 and 8, but none since. I realize just how lucky I have been!

What I miss:
I have been sleepy this first trimester and it has been hard for me to feel motivated to work out. I used to run 3 miles 4-5 times a week, take 2 Zumba classes a week and attend power yoga classes up to 3 times a week. Well... those days seem so far away. I have managed to work out 4-5 times a week, but have had to take the intensity way down. Basically from running to fast walking at a high incline 30-45 minutes each time. I am happy with what I have done, but miss how active and energetic I used to feel and be!

Sore, larger (yay!) boobs, waking up 2-3 times a night for the bathroom AND being SO thirsty and sleepy!

Best moment this week?
We had our Nuchal Translucency scan on Monday. We got to see our little baby really clearly and it definitely looks more like a baby this time! The results came back and everything was fabulous!

I was able to take a run/walk Sunday and Monday! It felt good to have enough energy to finally get back into it!

Wednesday- incline walk
Thursday- incline walk
Friday- incline walk
Saturday- nothing
Sunday- 3 mile hike, 1 mile jog
Monday- 3 mile walk/run; Tracy Anderson month 3
Tuesday- nothing

Gender Prediction?
We aren't going to find out until we deliver! My grandma has a million little tricks for trying to predict what we are having... and she thinks boy! My older brother also thinks boy. Troy and I often refer to it as little guy, but we don't think that really means anything.

I wake up 2-3 times a night to use the restroom and to drink water. I can't seem to get enough!

What I'm looking forward to?
Feeling flutters, moving past the bloated 'I look chubby' phase and into the baby bump stage!

Wisdom or other thoughts:
Troy and I waited to tell everyone because I had spotting throughout the first trimester. Apparently this is really typical, but to a newbie, it goes against everything you think is 'normal'. The first time I spotted I called the doctor and while waiting to talk to someone, I was Google-ing and trying to conduct my own research. After that experience we became super aware of everything and worry warts about little things! The wisdom I gained from all of this is...

Have faith- we had to push aside our worries and fears and have faith that whatever was going to happen was not entirely in our hands. We knew we were doing everything we could to create a safe environment for our baby, and that was all we could control.

Talk to people- Google is amazing and most definitely a tool that I use on the regular. I have also come to realize that there is some information that is better received or discussed when talking with a friend or professional. In just the small amount of research that I did on spotting I read many woman's stories- and many new fears popped into my head. I don't wish to be uninformed or uneducated about the pros, cons and risks of pregnancy... I just know that I personally would have responded better hearing about them from a friend or professional. 

Alright loves! If you are new to my blog- introduce yourself (and follow) so we can be friends! I would love to share in this experience with some of you lovely people!

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