Monday, August 2, 2010

Top Two Simple Pleasures

Today's topic is Top Two Simple Pleasures! I am all about the little things that make our lives so much happier! So here are just 2 of the things that enrich MY life...

1. Exercising with Troy...

This might sound a little bananas, but Troy-boy and I enjoy getting our fitness on outside! We prefer to hike or ride our bikes! Whatever we are doing, we talk and chat and encourage each other PLUS we burn calrories! It is really just a simple thing, but I love it!

2. Clean house...
maybe another lame-o pleasure, but my heart melts whenever I come home from work or a long day and the house is spic and span! I am a major softie for cleanliness and order, so of course a clean house appeals to my neurosis!

Some other ones that didn't make the list (but are equally fab!)*handmade pictures from my students
*a glass of vino to take the edge off
*the smell of clean laundry
*cloudy, rainy days
*looking through old family pictures, listening to family stories
*being with good friends and family
*snuggles and movies with Troy

Alright, truth be told I could go on FOREVER, but I will stop now. I bet as soon as I post this I will have thought of at least 10 more! Head over to Taylor's blog and post you favorite Top 2!


  1. Good choices... I love your misters nickname (troy boy)- ha!

  2. I love reading your blog! I am glad you are starting back up :) I love the 2 for Tuesday thing, very clever!



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