Monday, April 19, 2010

Poopy Monday

My weekend was spent eating (homemade steak dinner Friday, dinner out at Champs Saturday and Sunday Family dinner), being entertained (saw Chicago Saturday night) and relaxing... well for the most part anyways!

I am really, really, really looking forward to sleeping tonight! Monday mornings are soooo very rough for me!! I never make it to bed on time Sunday night and I totally pay for it Monday morning! My favorite Starbucks baristas always know to make my Monday Americano a venti now! Add into the mix that today is overcast with a good chance of rain and any teacher or anybody who works with children knows what kind of Monday it has been. Oh and I have a class until 7pm today... boooo. This totally interrupts my dinner AND conflicts with my 'slim and sassy Amanda' plan (this is just my fancy way of saying 'working out'... I make it sound fun and exciting to trick myself into doing it!)

It is kind of sad when I am already looking forward to tomorrow night to get a good nights sleep! And to actually get some much needed snuggly time with Troy.
Happy Monday everyone!

1 comment:

  1. hope your money was better .. for some reasons i like mondays they are the start of the week but dont get me wrong the weekends are my favorite!

    Anna Katrina



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