Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Its been too long...

So I feel as if I have been so behind on blogging... I totally apologize!!!
I have been going bananas with conferences, report cards, work projects and activities, classes and trying to balance all the other priorities in my life too!!!! I am just EXHAUSTED by time I get home!!! Troy and I are taking a 'staycation' this weekend... basically we are doing nothing!!! Well except for that community yard sale Saturday and family dinner Sunday. Oh and working out and.... see how the days get filled up sooooooo FAST!?!

Anyways... I have some exciting news about 2 of my great friends!

The first is that my friend Shelley and her boyfriend are now ENGAGED!!!
I am over the moon excited for Shelley and Clark! They are such a fabulous pair and I am super excited for their big day and all the fun days leading up to it, too!

The next thrilling bit of news is that my friend Jaci and her husband have finally sold their house in Minnesota and are moving back to Tucson! Wooo hooo!!! This has been like a year in the making so now its official... I can hear the words 'reunited and it feels so good...' playing in my head now!!!

Finally... it has been a bit of a doosey this week in my 1st grade class. Lets just say that kids know way too much these days AND parents should be very protective and aware of what their children are exposed to directly and indirectly! Anyways after dealing with all the drama and smoothing everything over (hopefully), we were walking to Music when one of my students said...

Ms. P... I love being the line leader.

(me)Even though it means you have to clean the tables at lunch??

Yep... I dont care, I just love holding your hand when we walk in line!

Talk about perspective... they have NO idea how much they teach ME everyday!

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