Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Bumpdate- Week 14

June 29- July 2nd 

So what has been going on this week?

We were on 'vacation' for part of the week, which was nice and relaxing! I have been working at LOFT this summer and I am wrapping up my time there so I can spend the rest of my summer getting my class ready for the new year! I have been out of the classroom (of littles) for 2 years, so I have a lot of work to do to get prepped, but I am SO pumped!

How far along?
14 weeks- baby is the size of a lemon!

Maternity Clothes?
None... but I have been rocking the hair elastic/button trick with some of my pants to give me a bit more room :)

Stretch Marks?
None yet, thankfully!

I am anxiously awaiting for my flutters to begin... I know it is early, but I am still laying perfectly still at night in hopes that I can feel the lemon!

Food cravings?
None this week... actually I have noticed that my eating has gotten a bit more on track. I haven't felt like I was starving and I haven't had any strange 'hard to stop thinking about a certain type of food' feelings! If that makes any sense??

Nausea, vomiting, or sickness?
None, although in the past week while brushing my teeth, I almost got sick 2 times. Very strange!

What I miss:
Having energy and motivation to get some things done. I have definitely been feeling tired thus far and it has made it challenging to feel motivated to get all my summer projects/organization done!

Sleepiness, most definitely! 

Best moment this week?
Spending time with family in the mountains, hiking, fishing, watching movies, cooking, eating yummy dinners and desserts!

Wednesday- 3 mile walk
Thursday- 2 mile walk
Friday- 2 mile walk
Saturday- 1 hour walk/hike/talk 
Sunday- none
Monday- none
Tuesday- none

Gender Prediction?
We have NO idea. Sarah and Patrick are team girl, which is new- most people have thought boy.

Has been amazing and I am loving it! I have been sleeping through the night without even getting up for the bathroom! It seems a bit backwards that the further along I have gotten, the better my sleep has been. I know this is a phase so I am taking full advantage of it now!

What I'm looking forward to?
Feeling baby flutters, moving past the 'chubby/bloated' phase

Wisdom or other thoughts:
Oh geez... I am not sure I have much for anyone this week! Maybe I will feel more enlightened next week :)

Grab button for Busy Bee

1 comment:

  1. I was SO dang tired in the beginning! A couple more weeks and you should get your energy back! Thanks for linking up. :)



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